Are you worried about your hair or scalp? Concerned about thinning or shedding hair?

If you answer yes to any of the above, it is important that you visit a trichologist as soon as possible.
But first of all it would be useful to fill in our Professional Trichologist Questionnaire. This questionnaire has recently been updated and simplified so it only takes a few minutes to complete.
A trichologist is qualified in the scientific study of hair and scalp and is able to diagnose and treat hair and scalp conditions. Don’t let your hair and scalp be a cause of stress and worry, take the first step towards resolving the problem, book an appointment today.
At Banbury Postiche we work closely with leading UK hair loss specialists and trichologists. They are certified members of the institute of trichologists and works around the UK with hair loss patients. We offer appointments for children, ladies and men and can prescribe treatments and refer to the medical profession as necessary.